Revd Martin King
With 34 years in business systems Martin had particular focus on Data and IT Strategy Management. With a degree from Cambridge in mathematics and law, his wide-ranging experience in different enterprises qualified him as a Chartered IT Professional. His expertise took him to Brussels as a faculty member of IBM European Systems Research Institute. He served as BSI representative and Working Party Convenor in ISO Committees for various Data Management Standards and as the IBM Technical Lead to the EC Enterprise Project led by Edinburgh University AI Institute. He has considerable user experience of UK Benefits Systems through a daughter with learning difficulties. Martin plays bridge and croquet.
Why I work for JAAG?
I am acutely aware of the deep divisions of privilege and wellbeing between different countries, and within the UK and many other countries. In particular, I am concerned with the dominance of financial and technological forces on members of disadvantaged sectors of society. I am keen to use my skills and experience to help redress this imbalance and lead to proper respect of the dignity and aspirations of all people.